Working out. We know we should do it, but more often than not, it feels like something that’s interrupting our day. Our to-do lists are already jam packed and going to the gym is just another thing we have to add. Because of how daunting working out seems, we usually talk ourselves out of going. We think there are more important things to do and that exercise doesn’t take priority over those tasks. We make plans to start working out regularly when time frees up and that it’ll eventually become a part of our routine when we’re less busy.
February 28, 2018
Every business owner goes through anxiety. You have to! There’s so much care that goes into this thing YOU’VE built and there are a lot of unknowns that come with the process of being successful. You don’t know when you’ll get your next inquiry, you don’t necessarily know if you’ll still be a business owner five years from now and sometimes you don’t even know the next time you’ll get paid.
ALL of this causes us to have anxiety and, unfortunately, when we get stressed, we turn to social media to relax and unwind. Yet, we aren’t able to. When we get on Facebook or Instagram, we’re flooded with posts talking about how wonderful everyone else’s business is. Everywhere we look, we’re reminded that we’re not doing nearly as well as we think we should be. It becomes a comparison game.
January 30, 2018
Hi, friends! Since we’re getting close to the end of the week, I’m getting ready to head in to my sixth wedding weekend in a row! When I first started photographing weddings, I dreamed of shooting every weekend I could, but completely underestimated how much energy it would take! Weddings take a ton of work since you’re constantly going physically and mentally. You’re working nonstop anywhere between 6-12 hours and basically don’t catch a break until later in the evening!
It can get pretty overwhelming, but there are things you can start implementing in your daily life to prevent having major burn out during a busy wedding season! With all the craziness going on, it’s important for you to come to each wedding feeling as relaxed & refreshed as possible!
November 10, 2017
Hi, friends! I’ve been receiving questions lately about Instagram and how to effectively use it for promotional growth. A lot of Instagram users are frustrated with the app, and I honestly can’t blame them! There have been so many changes with Instagram’s algorithm that it’s sometimes hard to feel like you can really make any significant progress.
BUT. I decided to create a brand new Instagram e-book that walks you through several things you can be doing to up your Instagram game! The best part? There’s content in here for every type of user! So, whether you’re a beginner, a shadow banned user or and IG pro – I made this guide specifically so that everyone can learn something new from it!
October 2, 2017