Working out. We know we should do it, but more often than not, it feels like something that’s interrupting our day. Our to-do lists are already jam packed and going to the gym is just another thing we have to add. Because of how daunting working out seems, we usually talk ourselves out of going. We think there are more important things to do and that exercise doesn’t take priority over those tasks. We make plans to start working out regularly when time frees up and that it’ll eventually become a part of our routine when we’re less busy.
But that’s the thing! Exercise is never going to be something that happens out of convenience. In order to make working out a regular part of our routine, we have to create a structure that gives us an exact time that’s dedicated to working out and staying healthy – regardless of how busy we are.
That’s why I wanted to share three of my top tips to help set up a workout routine that flows with a busy schedule!
1) Know how much exercise is the right amount!
If we’re just starting to workout, then it’s important to know how much exercise we need to stay healthy! According to the Department of Health & Human Services, adults should be getting a minimum of 150 minutes (two and a half hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity every week. Adults should also be dedicating two days per week to strengthening activities. (Source: The Department of Health and Human Services)
We can break up this standard to match our schedules! Some may have an easier time working out 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Others may prefer exercising three times a week for 50 minutes. Knowing how much exercise is necessary helps us create routines that are structured around our schedule while keeping us healthy!
2) Find exercises that YOU find enjoyable!
It’s much more simple to commit to exercising when it’s something we like doing! There are so many creative ways to workout now that it’s becoming easier to apply it to our daily routine. A few things that may be fun to try are:
Spin Classes
Lifting Weights
HIIT training
And the list goes on! The best part is each of these activities can range between 30 minutes to an hour, so they can easily fit into a busy day!
3) Plan when to workout throughout the week!
Sometimes we get discouraged when we think about how long working out takes. That’s why we have to choose a time to exercise that aligns with our agenda instead of waiting for the opportunity to present itself. We can do that by first figuring out which part of our day (morning, afternoon or evening) is the most open. Then, we can determine how much time we have to dedicate to that time slot. Finally, we have to choose how many times a week we can commit to our routine! Here are a few examples of what this can look like:
-Going on a 10-minute run three times throughout the day every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and strength train for 30 minutes every Tuesday and Thursday
– Going to the gym in the morning, afternoon or evening for an hour every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
-Taking a one-hour spin class in the evening every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
The more structure we can apply to our workout routines, the easier it becomes to fit it in with our busy schedules!
On a final note:
Getting an efficient amount of exercise doesn’t have to look the same for everyone, so we have to choose a routine that works best for us AND our crazy schedules! When we’re more strategic about setting aside time for exercise, it becomes less daunting and something we start looking forward to! 🙂
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